Sunday, October 19, 2014


     They say it's the journey that defines the outcome. But if it is the journeys in which define our outcome then why does your destiny follow you. No matter how far you stray God will come and say hey what are you doing? 
     Don't you remember who I made you to be. I made you as beautiful as my own child, I gave you the grace of my love. You let me handle everything I will carry you on my feet. You will  left your head and open your eyes with my spirit. And I Will show you who you are in my eyes.
      Yes the Lord will say this to thought he loves. Don't think for one minute your spirit belongs to anyone else besides me, the one who created you.  To think to act in any ungodly manner that I won't forgive you.  And that it is not without love that you receive punishment.  Always know I am apart of you. From me you came and if you accept me, to me is which you will return.

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